42nd Annual Golf Outing - Presented by Monaghan & Associates | Allstate

Friday, May 30, 2025 (8:00 AM - 2:30 PM) (EDT)


Join us for the 42nd Annual Chamber Golf Outing!  Friday, May 30th at Heatherwoode Golf Club. Open registration for a golf foursome starts April 7th! Gold Sponsors of the event receive early access to register for a foursome. (Cost of foursome not included in sponsorship)

See Chamber staff with any questions at chamber@springboroOhio.org


We’re looking forward to the 42nd Annual Springboro Chamber Golf Outing!

Below you will see Sponsorship Opportunities and Foursome Options. 

If you have any questions, please email Chamber@springboroohio.org

Here are the details on what the sponsorships include:

Presenting Sponsor $2,250: Recognition: in e-newsletter, in event emails, and on social media, verbal recognition at the event, foursome in the outing, logo hyperlinked on event page and Chamber e-newsletter (e-newsletter sent out to 5,500+ contacts on a monthly basis), full-color sign at the event, and large full color logo included in the event day brochure 

Gold $1,000:  First ACCESS to foursome in the outing (limit 1 foursome, first access until 4/7/25), Recognition in e-newsletter, in event emails, and on social media, verbal recognition at the event, logo hyperlinked on event page and in Chamber e-newsletter (e-newsletter sent out to 5,500+ contacts on a monthly basis), full-color sign at the event, and full-color logo included in event day brochure 

Silver $500: Recognition e-newsletter, in event emails, and on social media, verbal recognition at the event, full-color sign at the event, and name listed on event day brochure 

Bronze $350: Recognition in e-newsletter, in event emails, and on social media, company name on sign at the event, and name listed in small font on event day brochure  

Hole Sponsor $150: Listing in e-newsletter, listing in emails, recognition on social media, and the coveted golf ball shaped sign with your company name at the event.  

Cart Sponsor $25: Logo on sheet in/on the golf carts at the event. 

Foursome Cost: $580 

Golf Pair: $290

Individual Golfer: $145

Heatherwoode Golf Club
88 Heatherwoode Blvd.
Springboro, OH 45066 United States
Event Contact
Samantha Riggs
Send Email
Friday, May 30, 2025 (8:00 AM - 2:30 PM) (EDT)
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